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Announcing the launch of Soman Stewart Business Valuation & Forensic CPAs
We are pleased to announce the addition of Jimmy Stewart and the restructuring/rebranding of Accounting & Valuation LLC to Soman Stewart...
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Jason Soman published in the Florida Bar Family Law Section October 2023 publication FAMSEG
Jason Soman published in the Florida Bar Family Law Section October 2023 publication FAMSEG discussing the Employee Retention Tax Credit...
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Relying on the Audited Financials in Divorce Cases
You'll often see the side with the money in a divorce hiding behind the fact that the financials are "audited" Here's why you shouldn't...
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Jason Soman featured on the Florida Divorce Podcast on Business Valuations in Divorce
Jason Soman was interviewed on The Florida Divorce Podcast, hosted by Attorney Scott Kalish of Kalish & Jaggars PLLC. Scott and Jason...
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Reviewing Debt and Cash on a Business Tax Return
How can a business tax return tell a family lawyer that there is more discovery juice to be squeezed? One way is when you see the balance...
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Determining the Type of Company from a Tax Return
Family lawyers... have you ever picked up a business tax return and wondered what the heck is this entity? Well you may be in luck. On...
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Jason Soman featured on to discuss Donald Trump's Tax Returns w/ Melissa Gragg
Check out our interview with Melissa Gragg on to discuss Donald Trump's Tax Returns, and what every family lawyer,...
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What is the difference between income and distributions?
What is the difference between income and distributions? Income reported on a tax return often doesn't equal distributions. Distributions...
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What is a K-1? And why does it matter in divorce?
What's a K-1 and why does it matter in divorce cases? The K-1 is a key document in cases involving passthrough entities (S-corps,...
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Are you looking to Find the Money?
Are you looking to find the money? Well, you're in the right place. Pleased to annouce the launch of our new podcast, Find The Money....
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What Happens to a Business in Divorce? With NYC Matrimonial Attorney, Ian Steinberg, Esq.
Ian Steinberg, Esq. and Jason Soman co-authored an article, "What Happens to a Business in Divorce" in the blog Two Sides of the Coin, a...
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Jason Soman featured on the Florida Divorce Podcast with Attorney Scott J. Kalish, Esq.
Jason Soman was interviewed on The Florida Divorce Podcast, hosted by Attorney Scott Kalish of Kalish & Jaggars PLLC. Scott and Jason...
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How to Find an $8 million Marital Asset in 8 seconds
How do you find an $8 million marital asset in 8 seconds? Take a look at a screenshot from Trump's 2020 taxes, the refund section. In...
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Common Valuation Mistake - Mixing Asset & Stock Sales
A common business valuation mistake to watch out for...indiscriminately mixing asset and stock sales when applying the market approach. A...
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Tax Return Tuesday #9 - Trump Tax Returns
Happy tax return Tuesday! Over the holiday weekend, the long-awaited Trump tax returns were made public... I can’t pass up on the perfect...
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Tax Credits as a Marital Asset?
Tax credits as a marital asset? As if being a family lawyer wasn't hard enough... Family lawyers should be accounting for any tax credits...
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Tax Return Tuesday #8 - Schedule C
Happy tax return Tuesday! Today's tax return tip for family lawyers is Schedule C. Schedule C reports profit and loss from a sole...
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Can you prove that Santa doesn't exist?
Can you prove that Santa doesn't exist?🎅 While I am not aware of any recent Santa sightings, maybe that's just because he's super...
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Tax Return Tuesday #7 - Schedule D
Happy tax return Tuesday! Today's tax return tip for family lawyers is Schedule D. Schedule D reports gains on the sales of investments...
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Tax Return Tuesday #6 - Schedule A
Happy tax return Tuesday! Today's must know tax return tip for family lawyers is Schedule A. Schedule A contains itemized deductions...
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