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  • Writer's pictureJason Soman

Round 1 vs. Round 2 of Financial Discovery

Let's talk Round 1 vs. Round 2 of financial discovery...

Round 1 typically contains vague requests or disclosure requirements, as we don't have a very detailed overview of the marital estate at the onset of a case.

Round 2 is where the magic happens.

Round 2 is what separates the teddy bears from the Grizzly bears.

Round 2 is our chance to add specific requests that make it harder for the other side to ignore, or claim compliance with.

Here are some examples of R1 vs. R2:

R1: Provide all bank account statements for 1/1/20 - present

R2: Provide account statements for account that $5,000 was transferred to, from Chase #123 on 12/5/22, for 1/1/20 - present

R1: Give me your kitchen sink.

R2: Give me your Kohler Whitehaven Farmhouse Apron-Front Cast Iron 30 in. Single Basin Kitchen Sink in Sea Salt.

Tune in next Monday, ill tell a story about going 4 rounds in the ring in order to uncover a spouse's hidden slush fund 🥊

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